AaB - Brøndby IF
The police and the media became aware of the escalating problem of hooliganism in Danmark, especially after the brutal attack made by the SSU last week against FC København fans.
The South Side United crew decided to go by bus instead of by train, like they usually do. The riot police, who were present in big numbers, were totally surprised. And so a bus load of Brøndby hooligans managed to arrive in Aalborg without any police attention. The SSU hools stormed out of their bus yelling and provoking their opponants creating a chaotic situation.
AaB don't have any real hooligan groups, only some little groups of youth who sometimes gather after a big game. This time, there were no pre-game incidents to report only a small clash with the local police in which 4 persons got arrested.
After the game, the bus driver refused to drive "his" violent passengers home, but no one seemed to care. Instead the group ran in the city centre charging through a famous shopping street, full of pubs and AaB fans. Again police forces were surprised and more trouble broke out. More lads got arrested, but the number is unknown.