Brøndby IF
The Aarhus hooligans named "White Pride" are known as a racists and neo-nazi group and they are connected with famous organisations such as "Blood & Honour" and "Combat 18". A small group of about 25 came down to Brøndby by bus, picking up 25 more skinheads in a city named Valby (from the club Frem BK, a club which is also known for their nazi hooligans).
White Pride arrived without police attention and were walking around in order to find SSU, and when no one of the SSU was found, some official Brøndby supporters were attacked. An action in which 7 persons from White Pride found themselves arrested.
The Aarhus hooligans were now also denied into the stadium, and slowly the SSU were informed the White Pride group was in the neighbourhood, which almost no one expected.
After the game, a firm counting about 90 hooligans was gathered but again police got on top of things and the SSU boys were led back to their pub. After an hour police dissapeared because in their eyes there were no more risks of clashes to errupt.
But...a person from the SSU managed to spot the White Pride bus at the big police station. The rest of the SSU hools were informed and the mob directly headed towards the police station, where the Aarhus lads where waiting for their 7 arrested friends.
The attack was immediatley made by South Side United, an attack which turned the police headquarters into a real warzone. The police were totally surprised by this attack and everywhere policemen were jumping out of the windows in order to restore order on the battle-ground. The action resulted in 20 arrests in the Brøndby side and surprisingly no one was seriously injured.
-Small fight before
the game involving the local police and the White Pride hools-